June's Employee of the Month!
We're delighted to announce that our lead Swimming Coach, Sophie Le Blancq, is our Employee of the Month for June. A fantastic Swimming Coach, a week rarely goes by where we don't receive direct personal praise from clients about how great she is. Sophie has been with us for over 20 years and in that time has taught hundreds of islanders to swim, including many of Guernsey's best swimmers both past and present.
When presenting Sophie with her gifts, our Chairman Charles was full of praise saying that “Sophie is a dedicated and hardworking employee, who is constantly striving to ensure all of her swimmers become the best they can be. She is very much part of the Kings family and we're incredibly fortunate to have her. We're investing significantly into our wet facilities over the coming months, and on completion of the works will be looking to expand our swimming programme considerably, with Sophie very much leading this expansion.”
Enjoy your gifts Sophie, they're thoroughly deserved. Keep up the good work!